The UX Experience
For those that don't know UX = user experience and there are rules.
Simplify * Standardize * Inform
I recently went through and deleted half of my website and I am not done! The video I labored to post as my header, gone. Half the content also gone. Hours of work and ideas down the drain. All in the name of simplification and I am guessing you should do the same thing.
Need Proof?
The biggest money making site in the world is Google. Their homepage has a search bar, a minor graphic image, and very few words with a lot of white space. Without including a picture of the Google website I bet you can see it in your minds eye.
Simplifications means getting rid of all content that is fluff, sales hype, repeated on multiple pages, and eliminating as much as possible. Make it easy for your sites visitors to find what they are looking for with content that is up front and on top, clear navigation, and images that only relate to the story or that tell the story visually.
What the diagram shows is where to put your most important and informative content. That position is on top. Let the reader get it and leave if necessary. If they leave they were never a customer, but if they read on they have their information in more detail.
What you must standardize is:
- Logo position
- Navigation buttons
- Search bar if needed
- Layout position
- Content (most informative first)
Source Wikimedia| Public Domain |
Put your most relevant information right on top using headlines that allow the visitor to scan for what is wanted. This shows respect and doesn't confuse the reader. Use subheadings and bullet points to attract other important points. When more detailed information is desired include a link to a specific page on your site. Therefore the user gets to skip that information or drill down when desired. Again, showing respect for your site visitors' time.
Journalist have known for years that their stories can be cropped, skimmed, or have entire selections deleted. They used the inverted pyramid system to develop their stories. You should as well.
So simplify, standardize, and Inform is the UX standard to use on most websites. If you are a Google size company you can set a new standard of course but if you are not then this is your best practice.
Wishing you the best of everything,
Jeff Watters
Jeffrey Watters Agency
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